Negrín was Right: An Interview with Gabriel Jackson
The Volunteer 17.3 (2010): 10-11. Full text available at The Volunteer.
The Volunteer 17.3 (2010): 10-11. Full text available at The Volunteer.
The Volunteer 17.1 (2010): 6-7. Full text available at The Volunteer.
The Volunteer 16.4 (2009): 7-10. Full text available at The Volunteer.
The Volunteer17.1 (2010): 4-5. Full text available at The Volunteer.
The Volunteer 16.1 (2009): 3-5, 8. Full text.
The Volunteer 16.1 (2009): 6-9, 17. Full text.
El Correo de Euclides 4 (2009): 265-68.
Literal: Latin American Voices 9 (2007): 25-28. Full text.
Revista de Erudición y Crítica 4 (2007): 101-06. Full text.
;em>Contrastes (Valencia, Spain) 31 (2004): 64-69.
Insula 678 (June 2003): 11-14. Full text.
Oberlin Alumni Magazine 99.1 (Summer 2003): 11. Full text. April-May 2003. Full text.
Sala de Espera 3 (2002): 26-27.
The Volunteer: Journal of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 22.3 (2000): 11, 18. Full text.
Millennium 14 (1999) [Dutch literary magazine].
Strapats 8 (1993): 34-37. Full text (pdf).
Strapats 7 (1992): 8-13. Full text (pdf).
Strapats 6 (1992): 9-13. Full text (pdf).
Strapats 5 (1992): 42-45. Full text (pdf).